Predefined Variables

Reaction data are supplied to the Procedure block through a number of predefined variables. If these variables are used in the code section, they will be supplied with the correct values for the relevant reactions and unit operation. Results are also supplied into predefined variables.


The following table has the predefined varaibles for the kinetic procedure used for kinetic reactors and reactive distillation and the unit operations in which they are available. These variable names may not be used in the user code except on the right hand side of assignment statement.







The following variables are the PROCEDURE block results available to PRO/II after control is returned to the PLUGFLOW, CSTR or Reactive Distillation unit operation. RRATES must be defined for all reactions.



NOC = number of components  NOR - number of reactions



1) RRATES must be defined for all reactions. Derivatives for reactive distillation are optional

2) The activation energy is passed to the PROCEDURE block in default input units of 1000 energy units per mole.